That's right Hellgaters, the annual NYRR 18 mile, ING NYC Marathon Torture... oops! I mean, Tune-Up race got underway at 7am on Sunday, September 28, 2008. It proved to be another battle of human versus humidity in what has been a long and soggy marathon training season. Despite the desperate atmospheric conditions, our own Hellgaters pushed themselves to the limit and hopefully recognized the extra fitness they gained by finishing during an unforgiving huricane season.
Seventeen (plus Diego who is missing from the Hellgate results page) of our team completed 3 whole loops of Central Park. This is some feat! Please note racers surged up and down Harlem Hill 3 times, rolled over the West Side's Larry, Moe, and Curly 3 times, and last but not least clawed up the infamous Cat Hill 3 times. All finishes were battles hard won and well deserved. And once again teammates posted some amazing times that earned them age place awards!
- Phenominal Phil - 8th overall and 3rd place age group
- Kwick Kaufmann (a.k.a. Ben) - 21st overall and 3rd place age group
- The Andrei Express - 27th overall and 6th place age group
- Jim-Running-Away-Ryan - 9th place age group
- Swift Soula - 8th place age group
Check out all the AMAZING results at the NYRR website!
Nice writing Jessica!
Great job everyone.
Thanks Yvonne, it's fun and everyone's races are so inspiring!
I love Eddie's abs.
Eddie... You're HOT!
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