Friday, December 7, 2007

December 2007 Club Meeting

On December 5th, eighteen Hellgate Team Officials and Members met to discuss the state of the club, review club policy and vote on issues important to the club. What follows are the meeting minutes and resolutions.

Final Club Points Race of 2007
  1. Reminder for all members who are in good health to signup for and run the final club points race of the year – The Joe Kleinerman 10K on Sunday, December 9th.
Membership and Finance

  1. The financial state of the club is strong. However, due to increased operational costs the 2008 membership fees will be increased to $20.

  2. Your membership fees go toward insurance for the club, corporate expenses to maintain non-profit / tax exempt status, membership in the Road Runners of America organization. Membership fees also help subsidize awards night and other club sponsored gatherings as well as the Hellgate Website and message board. The Hellgate Road Runners is an all volunteer club - no members or officers are paid.

  3. The long term success of the club is dependent on membership. All current members are encouraged to actively recruit other runners, friends, family, and neighbors to join our group runs. The cost of membership is nominal and the benefits of running with Hellgate are immeasurable.

  4. Though it goes without saying, all current members are encouraged to welcome new members graciously and wholeheartedly (not that you would do anything but!). Veteran runners are asked to offer assistance and guidance to new members when wanted. And you speedsters… slow down occasionally and run with a slower runner.

  5. Also discussed was the possibility of a fundraiser to benefit the club. The fundraiser may include a summer picnic, a pot-luck dinner, a raffle, guest bartending night.

  6. Additionally, the New York Road Runners occasionally offers cash incentives to local clubs who volunteer for important races. All Hellgate members are encouraged to volunteer when and where possible. Volunteer opportunities will be announced on the message board.

  7. The Hellgate Road Runners is also seeking a corporate sponsor. There are several sponsorship opportunities available. If you or anyone you know may be in a position to sponsor Hellgate please see Jared Mestre.


  1. Elections will be held in January. The 2008 Club President, Vice President, Secretary and Team Captains will be determined. More information on this will be announced shortly.
Website and Message Board

  1. Members are reminded to log in when using the internet message board. Anonymous commenting in strongly discouraged. Please do not respond to obscene or offensive comments – they should be ignored entirely.

  2. A new and improved website is being created and will be launched soon. The website address will not change.
Awards and Awards Night

  1. Awards Night will be held on Saturday, February 16th, 2008. Additional details will be announced soon.

  2. Awards will be given out to deserving members. To be eligible for an award you must have:
    • been a member for a minimum of one year.
    • You must be active in the club by attend workouts, races (in particular Club Points races) and attend club meetings.
    • You must have completed at least 10 New York Road Runner races.
    • Additionally, members are encouraged to inform the club when you compete in non-NYRR races (for example out of town road races, multi-sport activities) so that your accomplishments can be acknowledged and considered.
Hellgate Gear
  1. Members are reminded that Hellgate gear is available for purchase.
    • Singles cost $30.
    • Jackets cost $55.
    • Members are encouraged to wear Hellgate gear at races and workouts to help promote the club.

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