Sunday, February 11, 2007

Awards Night 2007

On February 10th the Hellgate Road Runners held their Annual Awards Night Dinner/Dance. The following runners were recognized for their exemplary achievements in 2006. Congratulations!

Andrei Volik
Runner of the Year - Male
Maritza BishopRunner of the Year - Female
Michael BishopOutstanding Achievement
Aurelio DimasOutstanding Achievement
Ximena RosasOutstanding Achievement
LuAnn MestreOutstanding Achievement
Josh MorphewMost Improved - Male
Jessica MoellerMost Improved - Female
Matthew WisemanMost Improved - Male
Diana PittetMost Improved - Female
Levi SatcherSpecial Athletic Achievement
Eamonn KeaneSpecial Athletic Achievement
Mary BogleSpecial Athletic Achievement
Janine LevequeSpecial Athletic Achievement
Kate Sunbury ShuppSportmanship Award

To view a larger version click on the photograph.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the award winners.
Those Hellgaters clean up real nice!!

Anonymous said...

Well based on the montage, you sure clean up nicely....LOL. Great party and I am so lucky to be a part a great team and wonderful friends. xxxooo to my team mates.

P.S. Thank you for your award and to me me we are all winners!!!

Anonymous said...

Well based on the montage, you sure clean up nicely....LOL. Great party and I am so lucky to be a part a great team and wonderful friends. xxxooo to my team mates.

P.S. Thank you for my award and to me, we are all winners!!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations to all the award winners. happy that i'm a part of the Hellgate team (you party animals!.
-josh, great work with the blog! keep it up!