Come one, come all to the
Club Team Championship 5 Mile Race
this Saturday, August 16, 2008.
Men's start 8am and women's start at 9am!
This is the culminating event for all the local NYRR clubs to strut their stuff! Everyone is encouraged to run this race! It's a fun event as well as a challenging race. The men's team needs 10 runners to score and the women need 5. The more Hellgaters we have on the course the better! It's not just about trying to score for the team! Remember even if you don't score for Hellgate, you could displace another team's runner to help us! And more importantly it's about team work and team representation!
Here is where we stand so far this year:
Men's Team - 3rd place (B)
Women's - 10th place
Men's Team, 40+ - 15th place
Women's Team, 40+ - 11th place
Men's Team, 50+ - 14th place
Women's Team, 50+ - 9th place
Men's Team, 60+ - 17th place
We're all proud to be Hellgate, so let's show it by smashing last year's record participation of 37 members! It's only $7 to run this race and it starts and finishes on the 102nd transverse.
Ladies, come early to cheer on our guys.
And guys stick around and push the ladies on to strong finishes.
See you on Saturday!